Greetings from our heart's to yours

ALOHA........ STAR SEEDS... GYPSIES... LOVERS OF LIFE... WALK-IN'S and HUMANS.. WELCOME "UNIVERSAL FAMILY" .......xxxxx. ALL FOR ONE AND INDIVIDUAL TO THE MAX ............................ ...............GOOD VIBES...

Medical Marijuana: Laws and Reforms

This discussion will be limited to the Hawaii Medical Marijuana law-which is unique in that it is the only medical marijuana statute passed by a state legislature with support of the governor- All others were by the initiative process. The law provides that a doctor may certify a patient as qualified to legally possess and grow marijuana for medical use if the patient is certified as having one of the qualifying illnesses. The medical doctor must aquire the certifying forms by calling the Narcotic Enforcement Division at (808) 594-0150. The doctor may make as many copies of the form as they wish. The qualitying conditions are: 1. Malignant Neoplasm (Cancer) 2. Glaucoma 3. HIV positivity or AIDS 4. a. Cachexia b. Severe Pain c. Severe Nausea d. Seizures including but not limited to epliepsy e. Persistent muscle spasms including but not limited to spasms caused by multiple scierosis or Crohn's disease. The law provides that no doctor may be penalized in any way for certifying a patient as eligible to possess medical marijuana. The patient, after certification, may possess 3 mature marijuana plants, 4 immature plants and three oz of marijuana. The marijuana can only be grown at the patient's home address or property owned and controlled by the patient. There is a provision for appointing a caregiver to carry out the duties of growing the marijuana. There is no provision for legally acquiring the initial marijuana supply. This use of marijuana is still illegal under federal law. There is NO possibility of the DEA removing the federal narcotic license of a doctor recommending marijuana as medicine. This was decided in the federal district court in California which also has jurisdiction in Hawaii. The certification last for one year but can be renewed by again paying a $25 fee. Realise, the doctor does not prescribe marijuana, only certifies the patient as legally possessing the marijuana for medical use. In my experience the certificaton is always sought by patients who have already found that use of marijuana relieves the symptoms of their medical condition. The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision has no effect on the Hawaii state medical marijuana law. William B. Wenner, M.D. (hawaii)

dispite the fact there are many beliefs,and practices,that are NOT commonly shared amongst all"Christian Religions","individual's,or"sects".The "Church of Cognizance"may also be recognized as one Ethnic group by way of our common beliefs and practices;despite the fact there may be other beliefs,and practices,amongst"individuals",or "sects;that are NOT commonly shared amongst all"Church of Cognizance Religions"

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